NuSTAR Guest Observer Program announced
August 26th, 2014
NuSTAR Guest Observer Program announced
NASA has announced an opportunity for scientists around the world to propose for observations of celestial sources using the NuSTAR X-ray space telescope. This Guest Observer (GO) Program is part of an extended mission plan approved by NASA that offers observing time for basic research investigations selected in a competitive process.  Proposals for observations to be made within the first cycle of the NuSTAR GO program are due on November 25th. Proposals will then be reviewed by an independent panel of experts with observations performed between April 2015 and March 2016. Proposals involving coordinated observations with the JAXA-NASA Suzaku X-ray observatory are also solicited within this announcement. 
The remainder of observing time during cycle-1 will be assigned to coordinated observing programs with the NASA Chandra and ESA XMM-Newton X-ray observatories and to the extension of the prime mission science surveys. These Legacy Surveys will continue the Galactic and Extragalactic Surveys with targets selected based on community input. Visit the NuSTAR Legacy Survey webpage for more information.

The GO program will be managed for the NuSTAR project by the Goddard Space Flight Center (Greenbelt, MD) and details can be found on the NuSTAR GSFC website. The full text of the solicitation can be found on the NSPIRES website.